Happy Summer! For us, that means traveling. I was officially done with school on June 14th and already I've been to New York City, Boston and Denver. Very cool, but super shady when it comes to our farmers market challenge! When you are away from home or staying with someone else, you just do what you can.
Does anyone have any ideas or tips about how they eat when they are away from home?
I bring a lot of food with us. I do a lot of premade meals and put them in a cooler and then ask if we can borrow a little fridge room when we get there. I find that it takes a little pressure off the people that we are staying with who don't eat like we do. They don't feel like they have to make anything crazy or special and it's also a good opportunity to thank them for letting us stay AND share our delicious healthy food with someone. We've converted people this way. OBVIOUSLY this only works when traveling by car :)