Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Learning So Much Already!

Eric and I are finding out about all kinds of resources, websites, and local initiatives as we tell people about our challenge. As people share with us, I've been adding links to our lists of markets and locals. Here are a couple cool sites that have been passed our way:

Go Local NC Farms is an awesome way to support local farms and get quality products. They offer cow and pork pooling, and the meat is hormone and antibiotic free. A fellow Charlotte Mommy shared this with me. Thanks Carolyn!

The No Impact Project is about a family who took it a lot further than Eric and I, and unplugged their lives for a year. So interesting! Thanks for sharing Julie!

Eric and I are definitely going to learn a lot in this process! If you have something to share, please pass it on!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to hearing how this goes and your finds and deals. I love fresh food from the garden.also want to find out more about the food pooling.
